The history

In 1973, Nippon Keiraku Gakkai (日本経絡学会: the origin of JTAMS) was established as a result of merging two of the largest and most influential academic societies in the field at the time, Keiraku Chiryo Gakkai (Japan Meridian Therapy Sociery: JMTS) and Toyo Hari Igakukai (Toyo Medical Acupuncture Society: TMAS).

The main purpose of the establishment of JTAMS was that the two and other organizations of researchers and practitioners in the field related to TJAM and TCM in Japan, worked all together to research the TJAM’s effectiveness, efficacy, and safety in a scientific manner, which contributes to the development of the acupuncture and moxibustion resulting in the enhancement of wellness and health status in the world.

Since 1996, the Society’s name in both Japanese and English has been changed to the Japan Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society (JTAMS) as it is as of today.